
Monday FUNDAY!

Usually Mondays are a drag, but not this one! It started this morning with running a few errands: to ACC to get some stuff I needed from a counselor and admissions, and then to Target optical to pick up my glasses! I was soooo tired of having headaches every single day. But that's all over now!! :). And to make things more awesome (as if that were possible), while I was there, the delivery guy came and my sunglasses were in the shipment!! Pretty awesome!! Although I've been dealing with the nausea and dizziness all day from the new prescription, it's finally getting better and I LOVE THEM!

After picking them up, Colten and I drove to Hallettsville to meet with Father John to get going on our wedding stuff. It went pretty smooth!! He's such a sweet guy and made it very easy to talk to him. After we left from there, we headed to Schulenburg to drop off some papers at mom and dad's house. Dad was off today so it worked out well. Instead of dropping them off and heading back to Austin, Colten went to lay down and I helped dad with various things, but most importantly, I got to spend quality time with him...just me and him!! It was a lot of fun!!! Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely LOVE my family?? No?? Well I must be slacking then because I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!! :).

We got a lot done and waited for mom to get home from work. We even had burgers grilled and ready to eat! Yummy!! It was definitely much better than the frozen lasagna I would have had at home :). Hehe. After visiting for a little bit, Colten and I had to head back to the ATX so he can get to work tonight and on time. So that's where we are now...we just went through Bastrop :). Blogging really helps the time pass quickly! a nutshell, I had a fabulous day and I am super blessed to have an amazing fiance that loves me sooooo much and an awesome family that I love to death! :) :)

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