And just like that, it's Monday once again! I had such a fabulous weekend, so we'll get right to the recap, shall we?
one// We went to the Buda trail of lights with our cousins on Saturday. It was!
two// Nutella crepes - seriously so delicious. Be on the lookout for the recipe on the blog later this week!
three// flipflop. My new favorite wine. :) I may or may not have had half the bottle in one sitting...#sorrynotsorry
four// We tried out a new church yesterday, and it definitely is promising! We'll be going back for sure.
This year, we tagged along with our cousins to the Buda Trail of Lights, and I'm so glad we were invited! It got us out of the house and with endless entertainment at that. Win, win! We even got to ride a school bus to get there - there's really never a dull moment when we all get together! Colten is definitely a kid at heart and always plays with kids when we're around them, and this time was no different. He even painted his nose red {like Rudolph} with the kids. Precious! And we got a picture with Santa! :)

After the trail, we stopped by their house for some hot chocolate and then loaded up in my cousin's car to drive around looking at Christmas lights! The fun only continued, as I'm sure you've already guessed. My absolute favorite was a house that had their Christmas lights set to the tune of a radio station that was playing Christmas music. One of the songs was by the Trans Siberian Orchestra, and it was mesmerizing! I'd upload the video for you to see, but I couldn't get that to function this morning, so go head over to my
Instagram to check it out! It's pretty awesome. We had so many laughs and just such a great time driving around looking at all of the lights. This one is my second favorite:
It was a huge, HUGE display in front of someone's house. I'm talking, so big I had to take this picture as a panoramic to get it all in one shot! But I love it :). It reminds us all of the true reason for the season, keeping
Christ in Christmas!
Yesterday didn't go exactly as planned, but that's okay! It was better :). We started the day by attending a new church nearby our apartment - we're still in search for a church that we both love, and this one just might be a good contender! We'll go back a few more times first to really decide, but I loved it. :) After church, we were invited to my sister's house to watch her attempt at making Nutella Crepes - which was a total and complete
success! They were so delicious and we were excited they turned out so well! Like I said before, be on the lookout for that recipe this week! It's a perfect {and easy} treat for Christmas morning! {or any morning, in our case...ha!} We then did some Christmas shopping and hung out for the rest of the day. It was great to relax and enjoy my sister's company! I wasn't as productive as I would've liked or had anticipated, but that's okay. Life is short, right?! :) The laundry can wait... And Colten, being the 'redneck' that he is, always pronounces things different than what they really are {mostly on purpose}. For example, if you're eating a trifle, he calls it a truffle. So, the crepes were no different - he kept calling them
"creeps". Haha! He thanked her via facebook for the 'delicious creeps'. Y'all, my husband is hilarious. Seriously.
How was your weekend?
Well, it's never dull ... But you forgot to mention our awesome hangout session in HEB! I think that was the best part!
This looks like so much fun! I love all the Christmas lights!!
Is that wine light and fruity? I'm such a picky wine person!
LOL at the Mater decked out in Christmas Lights. That's adorable!
Nutella crepes!?! Be still my freaking heart.
I love that picture you posted of "Merry CHRISTmas". Yesterday at church, our priest talked about the importance of not being politically correct and wishing folks a merry christmas.
Those nutella crepes looked amazing. I love big light displays in front of people's homes! I saw one on my way to my Christmas party on Saturday and shrieked; "It's a winter wonderland!!!" It really was something else.
That last comment from Rob was supposed to say, "Haley"..!! He was still logged into the Google account when I started commenting!!
Hahaha.. creeps! I love it! I love the "Christ-mas" display. So awesome! And heck yessss, pink moscato!!!! =D
Visiting those lights looks like it was so much fun!!! :-) And Creeps?!?! That's hilarious! :-)
looks like so much fun! i'm still a lover of lights, after all of these years!
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