I love pictures. Seriously, ask anyone in my family - I'm constantly taking pictures! And that was even before I became a blogger, so I can't even use that as an excuse! *sigh* But, I'm not ashamed! :) I take pride in the fact that I love pictures. I cherish pictures because they are a moment captured in time to last all of eternity. Well, in today's digital age, they're more likely to last all of eternity anyway. I remember after my grandparents passed away, I desperately longed for pictures of them, and most of all, pictures of me with them. I'm so glad I took those opportunities to pretty much force them to take a picture with me - and the candid shots are the best! It doesn't even have to be the best quality - I just love pictures!
With that deep, deep love comes a problem other picture lovers are all too familiar with - your camera roll fills up super fast! Then you run out of storage space on your phone. Umm, not okay! Not okay at all! How am I supposed to take more pictures?!
Well, have no fear fellow lovers of all things PHOTO! Enter: Groovebook. Yes, it's an app. There's literally an app for my problem - there's an app for everything! But this one in particular is by far the greatest invention on the face of the planet. Okay, maybe only in my opinion, but that's the only one that matters anyway, right? :)

So, what exactly is this Groovebook? Well, other than miraculous, it's an app that allows you to print 100 of your camera roll photos straight from your phone! Well, that's great isn't it? THERE'S MORE! The pictures are printed into a pretty snazzy book and is shipped right to your home! That's right - you don't even have to leave your house! And I know you have a million pictures on your phone still from Thanksgiving, right? And hello? Christmas is right around the corner! Print all of your holiday memories with ease this year :).
Here's how it works. The app is free, so just head on over to the App Store and download that baby! And yes, it's even compatible with Androids! Here's what it looks like, in case you just can't figure it out... {I'm really just helping you out and leaving no room for error here!}
Once you're in the app, you will review your photos to choose the 100 pictures you want to upload! Go ahead and press 'review', check off all of the pictures you'd like to be printed into your book, and then press 'upload'. Then a screen like this will show up:
Let it do it's thang! Once all of the pictures are uploaded, you put in your information {name, address, and card info}. Wait, card info? Yes, you read that right. The thing you've been looking for has finally arrived: the catch. The catch is the cost of this sucker. The book is 100% FREE! All you pay is the $2.99 shipping fee, and you receive 100 photos printed in a nice little book that arrives at your doorstep {okay, it's more like the mailbox, but you get my point}. So, the card info is only for the shipping cost. And it's real! There's no other 'catch'. That's it. 100 pictures. From your phone. Printed in a book. Shipped to your house. For $2.99. Are you with me? Good. Y'all, think about that - only $2.99 for 100 pictures! I'll wait while you go ahead and do the math... {HINT: if you're still not sold on this opportunity and don't want to pay $2.99 to try it out, keep reading until the end of this post for something special...} The app stores your information, because this is like a 'monthly subscription'. Once you close your first book, the next one will close a month later. For example, my first book was on November 5th, so my next book closed a few days ago, on December 5th. And did I get another one? Yes, yes I did!
The quality of the photos is great! I was seriously so impressed! For these being iPhone pictures, they really turned out awesome.
Check out my pickle husband and cousin. Aren't they cute? Blackmail, people! :)
The pictures come with a date and time stamp, as shown below. So, you have a book of 100 pictures that are stamped with the date and time you took them. Pretty nifty! Yes, nifty. :) Some of them are even stamped with the location that you took them as well, so your overloaded brain just won't forget! I don't know why it does it on some and not others, but I don't particularly care for the location, as they are my memories and I'm pretty sure I know where I took it. And if I don't, I still have the picture to remember....
Another super awesome feature about this book is that each and every picture is perforated for you to easily tear it out and frame that sucker! The picture tears out pretty easily with no issues or complaints from me! It does exactly what it's supposed to! So, not only do you get 100 pictures for $2.99 in a book, you also get the option to tear them out of said book and frame them or give them away to loved ones - hang some up in your kids' rooms or on your kitchen cabinets - whatever floats your boat! If you're a picture lover like me, this option is spectacular! Despite the fact that most of the frames in my home still have the pictures of the people that come with the frame {don't judge me}, I really do love having pictures of my loved ones in my home. It reminds me of the important things in life: my loved ones! Whether it be family or friends or co-workers or pets - there's no greater thing than having those moments captured in time displayed throughout your home.
The pictures are all the same size: 4.5 x 6.5. I know what you're thinking now: why 4.5 x 6.5? The answer to that is: I don't know. I honestly wish it would come as a 4 x 6 and we could just be done with this issue, but that's not the case. However, I tore a few out of my book and wanted to put them in a few 4 x 6 frames I had around the apartment. And, the pictures really are 4.5 x 6.5, so of course it didn't fit. However, I just took a pair of scissors to trim along the edge {it wasn't even straight because I wasn't being very particular} and it fit just fine! Once framed, you couldn't tell that I had to trim it up. And it's still worth it, because it's only $2.99 for 100 pictures! :) Okay, okay - the horse is dead, amiright? ;) I'll stop throwing that in your face now. Pinky promise!
So, now that you're completely informed about the greatest app in my life, I'm going to give you a code that you enter after uploading all of your pictures to get your first book absolutely free! So, if you weren't completely sold on trying this out and spending $2.99, you don't have to! Use the code below to get your first book free to try Groovebook out for yourself:
You're welcome. Now, get to it! And let me know what you think about Groovebook. Love it? Hate it? I want to know!
WOW!!!! Done and done! Thanks for this!!!
Oh my gosh, I love this idea! I miss the days of having an actual picture to hold in my hand. Everything is digital these days! I always say that I need to print out all my pictures from my computer and iPad, and I never do. Now I will!!
Woo! Thank you!!
That is pretty handy. I'm always having to email myself my pictures and then I copy them into a folder and then I copy the pictures from the folder to an online printing company. Oh my.. I will seriously have to consider this the next time I want to develop a ton of Alina pictures for her baby album this year! (Before I have to develop 400.) We seriously need to SLOW DOWN on taking pictures of that baby girl! It's too difficult to keep up with having to develop them! Great app!!
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