Have you ever felt that your home decor just needed 'something' but you couldn't quite place your finger on it?
Well, problem solved RIGHT.HERE.
That's right. This weekend, I tackled a project, from start to finish! Y'all, this is BIG because that almost never happens! (good thing it was easy)
I have sort of a gallery wall up in our apartment and absolutely love it! However, I keep feeling that something is just 'missing'. Our color scheme is neutrals/browns with turquoise accents. Very rustic and VERY warming. I love it! But, I just couldn't place what was missing. But then it hit me - that wall had nothing with the turquoise/blue accent! It was a beige wall with tones of naturals and browns hanging on it in the decor. And I just had to fix it.
Saturday after working some overtime, I headed over to the Dollar Tree. Yes, I'm a proud supporter and frequent shopper of the place. It's a DOLLAR, mom! (great memories). I picked up some supplies for only a dollar and headed home.
I present:
What you need:
//hot glue gun
That's all?
YES! This was a seriously inexpensive project and I'm absolutely in love with the final product!

I've had the frame for a while now, and it's just been hanging on the wall like this ^^. Pretty pathetic, I KNOW! My husband jokes that we have random family members up on the wall becasue I have several frames with no printed pictures in them. Sad day. BUT, one day, that'll all change - I hope!
Because you haven't already figured it out from here, all you do is simply glue the gems onto the border of the frame! I used the small gems and they fit PERFECTLY!
I did set out the gems on the frame prior to gluing them, because I was afraid of getting to the end of a side and having more frame but not enough room for a gem, so I'd definitely recommend that!
Also, if your frame is wider, you can do a fun design or use different size gems! It's up to you! And my inspiration, this post from The Fun Cheap or Free Queen. Seriously, you can glue these suckers on ANYTHING to bring some life to it! So awesome.
Here's my final product:
Now to print a picture to get up in that beauty! Yes, 'up in that'! :-)
Have a blessed Wednesday, friends!
And any Wednesday would not be complete without this:

Brianna! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day!
Good for you, for starting a project and finishing it.. AND for coming up with something nice and creative. I had black and white beads that I paid a pretty penny for, from our wedding center pieces.. I decided to make funky picture frames with them, like you did. They looked wicked.. BUT- I had to send them out for Christmas. And unfortunately A LOT of my beads fell off of the frames. SO- it's a great idea but make sure you have good glue..! (I think mine fell apart because I sent them via mail and it was probably the cold that made the beads fall off.)
This is so cute & easy! & I can totally relate to the whole putting frames up with other peoples pictures in them... my mom has had a "family wall" up for over a year now & has yet to put a picture of OUR family in them... they're still the families that came in the frames!! lol
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