Holiday weekends are the {BEST}

Goodbye to a glorious 4-day holiday weekend! *sigh*

Today, it's back to the daily grind, working, planning out a weekly menu, preparing for several long days working both jobs, and longing for Friday yet again! 

But, today is a great day, because I'm remembering the fun, family-filled quality time I was blessed with this past weekend! Seriously, it was amazing! 

Colten was off for the entire weekend, besides Sunday, and we were able to visit with lots and lots of family! We celebrated on Thursday at my mom's house, Friday at my grandparents' house {although they've both passed, we still celebrated in their home}, and Saturday at Colten's grandparents' house! Y'all, that's a lot of turkey! I believe I'm still suffering from a food coma...

...which is why I dropped the ball on a fabulous Thanksgiving recap post. Seriously...I slept most of yesterday away! Too.Much.Turkey. Wait, is that even possible?! Yes, yes it is.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Haley said...

Recap posts can be such a painful thing to write.. I'll trust that you had a good time!!

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