Friday Letters

Linking up from Ashley's infamous Friday Letters!  It's my first, so let's DO THIS! 

Dear Friday, thank you for being so kind to me!  I've gotten to visit with my family, whom I haven't seen in weeks, help put out hay with my dad, and cruise around the property on the Kabota, which was so much fun! 

Dear Grandpa, please hang in there!  I know the recent knews was not what you wanted to hear, but we all believe in you and support you, and we know you're going to stay strong!  We love you so much.

Dear Mom, thank you for listening to my cry-fest yesterday!  I know that I need to suck it up and get through it, but you always seem to catch the brunt of these sessions. 

Dear sweet bloggers, I've thoroughly enjoyed diving into this blogging thing (with followers, link-ups, buttons, etc.).  I'm still learning the ropes, so please bear with me!  I also would love to hear from any and all of you...check out my {contact} page! :)

Dear will power, please hang in there!  I know that brownie looks and smells super delicous, but you've got to stand strong!  We can do it together!

Dear ladybugs infesting my office, please GO AWAY!  You have overstayed your welcome, and I'm totally and completely OVER.IT. 

Dear Nicole @ Pharr Away, you are amazing and I truly am grateful for everything you've done to help me so far!  I'm definitely a work in progress, but you're sticking with me and I really appreciate it!  I'm super excited to see where all of this takes me! 

Dear familia, I love each and every one of you, and I know we are battling the storms right now, but we can and will come out of it stronger than ever! 

Dear relationships, let's work on getting better, kay?  To friendships & family, a relationship is a two-way street.  You've gotta put in the effort to reap the reward.  If you don't or aren't willing to do so, please don't complain that I'm not putting in the effort on my end. 

Happy friday everyone!  And I hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend!



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