'It's OK' Thursday #1

Linking up, for the first time, with A Complete Waste of Makeup and Brunch With Amber for 'It's OK' Thursday! 

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...
  ...that it's not Friday yet.  Almost there! 

...that my hair is kind of a hot mess today.

...to know big changes are on the near horizon and not have all the answers

...that I don't have many followers yet, I'm new and learning!  But thanks to all of you who are currently following! It means the world!

...to be different.  Conformity is overrated.

...to not be content working two jobs.  It's tough!

...to be yourself.  No one can do it better than you, anyway!

...to bring my NookColor to work every day, thinking I may get a few minutes to read, when 99% of the time I don't pick it up.

...to break down some days.  It happens.

...that I'm still sad about Private Practice never coming back

...to be obsessed with country music!

...to buy an obscene amount of those cute tumbler cups. I use one EVERY.DAY.

...to crave pizza at 9am

...to want my relationships with family and friends to be better, knowing it may never happen

...that my dog is still not completely potty trained.  We think he has issues...

...to be a list maker. I have them everywhere. 

...for those lists to sometimes never be completed.  It's the 'plan' that helps anyway! ;)

...that I just had to have a nestle dolce coffee maker and now I never use it. 

...to share your love or passion with the world.  Express yourselves!

...to be emotionally affected by the work that I do, even though it's almost been a year

...to be happy. You should definitely try it! 

...that my nail polish is in dire need of a touch-up or removal

...to make mistakes

...that I try to please everyone around me, even if it means hurting myself. 

...to start letting go of being a people-pleaser.  I deserve to be happy too, and if you don't want to be happy, then there's not much I can do anyway.

What's OK with you this week?  Link up!


Martina said...

I am sad about Private Practice not coming back either:-( However, they did end the season well...

Brianna said...

I totally agree - they ended it well! I don't have any unanswered questions...just sad to not follow their stories anymore :(

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