However, I feel truly honored to have been nominated for my very first LIEBSTER award! I was nominated by the lovely Martina @ Amazingly Blessed! For all of you out there (I was there once, too) that don't know what a Liebster Award is .... It's awarded to people who have less than 200 followers, which I definitely fall under! But I'm so touched by this nomination - thanks so much Martina! :) I'm feelin' the love here, people!

The Rules:
1. Share 11 facts about myself
2. Answer questions from my nominator
3. Nominate bloggers (with less than 200 followers) for the award
4. Create questions for nominees to answer
5. And when the nominee is finished, you must link it back to me (as I did above) in your blog post
11 Facts about {ME}
1. I'm completely content with spending time at home and not going 'out' to have a good time.
2. I love reading. Seriously, I think I'm addicted.
3. I'm very family-oriented. They are my rock.
4. I work with victims of violent crime. Which also means that I'm emotionally drained every day.
5. I am working very hard to deepen my faith.
6. I hate working out. I know it's necessary, but I don't have to like it.
7. I dream of having a big, loving family of my own. (yes, that means BABIES...many years away)
8. I fear failure.
9. I love grape fanta soda. Don't judge me.
10. I'm a country girl.
11. My husband is my world and my rock. He is always there for me & never questions me (hardly ever, anyway haha).
Martina's Questions for Me
1. How long have you been blogging? Several years now, but I only began the more 'in-depth' blogging fairly recently - as in, a few months.
2. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope! Definitely when I was younger, though!
3. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi! But I'm a Dr. Pepper lover at heart! :)
4. What is your cleaning schedule? You mean people actually have a SCHEDULE for that stuff?! Sheesh. (kidding..I know most do). However, I do not. We have a chart, and we strive to complete things off weekly...our schedules are all over the place, so it's never the same day or time or anything, really.
5. What/who made an impact on your life and why? My parents, for sure. They've had their share of ups and downs (I learn more and more every day), but I've never seen them as happy or as in love as they are today. They inspire me and give me hope and strength.
6. Why do you blog? I love words. I love reading, and as a younger version of me, hated to write - I mean, essays, poems, research papers - I always knew I did NOT have a knack at writing. However, I've learned that I truly do have 'a way with words' (sometimes) and it shows when I truly care about what the subject of my writing is. It also helps family and friends to keep up with 'me', and to just shout at the world that I am who I am, I like what I like, and MY LIFE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT ME! :)
7. What is your favorite meal? Chicken Parmesan. Hands down.
8. Early bird or night owl? I'd say a little of both? Now that I have a grown-up job, I have to be up by 5:30 (soooo early!), but I still find myself staying up late, especially on weekends!
9. What is the best advice you can give someone? To live life to its fullest! We are not guaranteed tomorrow, and to worry about petty things does not bring happiness!
10. Do you like Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter? Winter!! Those that know me well know that I absolutely love cold weather! The Texas heat, I could live without...
11. Have you ever been camping? Yes! We used to go all the time when we were kids! My parents gave us a choice: a new house or to buy a boat. We were small children at the time, so of course we chose the boat! So, we now own a boat many many years later, and we still enjoy an outing every now and then (it's way overdue!).
My Nominees!
1. Jana @ Life Could Be a Dream
2. Jess @ jmn way
3. Andrea @ Andrea's Adventures
4. Kalyn @ Love. Laughter. Happily Ever After.
5. Katie @ Once a Southern Belle, Always a Southern Belle
6. Cheltee @ Something About You and Me
7. Chelsee @ Southern Beauty Guide
Questions for those Nominees
1. What song/movie inspires you?
2. Do you have a favorite saying or slogan you always turn to?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is one of your worst fears that you've been able to overcome?
5. What is your dream job?
6. When you have a few spare hours in your day, however occasional it may be, what do you find yourself doing?
7. What's your favorite childhood memory?
8. What is one random thing that you cannot live without?
9. Dogs or cats?
10. Why do you blog?
Once again, I'm very blessed to be nominated - that means my blog world is growing! Thanks for all of my readers out there, however few of you there may be :). And thanks for sharing in my messy, crazy, sometimes mundane life! < 3
Thanks so much for nominating me! So glad you are back from the sick world... I was wondering where your posts had gone! Glad to have caught up with you through Liebster! Here is my prior post:
Thanks for completing and accepting your award! I too am very content with staying home and I am very family oriented:-) Also, I am huge pepsi and dr. pepper fan as well.
~Have an Awesome weekend~
Haha, thanks! It's good to be back!! And so fun reading about your Liebster! Thanks for sharing! :)
No, thank YOU! :)
So cool to have something in common! And I hope you have an amazing weekend as well!!
And thanks again for this awesome opportunity!
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