A Positive Note


firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

online bible study
Hey, Haley!

cheers not jeers
Wintry Mix.
And a wintry mix it was! Some parts of Texas received a bit of snow, while others mostly got ice. Austin had a mix of both, which didn't last long at all. As you can see in the picture above, only parts of the ground have white stuff on it, while others were just crunchy due to the ice. Ace hated it. Poor guy - he was so cold! He's cold-natured anyway, so the ice on his little paws was over the top for him. He definitely didn't push to go outside more than he absolutely had to all day!
The absolute best recap of this event can be found over at Austin Republic. Check it out here. Seriously, you won't be sorry!
And after all of the craziness surrounding the #icepocalypse, yesterday graced us with seriously gorgeous weather - it was in the mid-seventies all day! But alas, we're expecting more wintry mix tomorrow ... we'll see!

A Raging Battle

- 1.feel a powerful desire for (something).
synonyms: long for, yearn for, desire, want, wish for, hunger for, thirst for, sigh for,pine for, hanker after, covet, lust after, ache for, set one's heart on,dream of, be bent on,
itch for,be dying for
My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.
PSALM 84:2

online bible study
A Glimpse into Parenthood
And taking selfies...
And posing with random things in the store!
They also can buy things on their own, like a giant duck to add to their ever-growing barnyard in their room!
And holding hands crossing the gigantic parking lot and standing still long enough to capture our shadows.
And playing fruit ninja until their little arms felt like falling off...
And talking Colten and I into taking them to JumpStreet!
Hilary met us there, and we captured this gem mid-air. =)
Colten was in heaven, y'all! He is a kid at heart, and he's so endearing to watch around children. I know he'll make a great father some day! But that day, he was giant cheeto! We could always spot him, bahahaha!
Overall, it was a great experience! Thanks, Kim, for allowing us to be responsible for your children! I hope they aren't too scarred... ;). We had a blast, and I know the girls did too! I also know they were ready to go home to their mom and dad and their friends.
What I learned:
+ Colten and I will be amazing parents, as we will pay attention and sacrifice our wants and needs for those of our children.
+ We will lose sleep once we have kids. I know, this is a big, giant DUH! But it's so true - Kyra wakes up sooooo early! Luckily, she's old enough to just play on her phone and entertain herself. Our kids will probably be more like Maeve and sleep until noon. We can only hope!
+ I was actually motivated to do things and be {dare I say} productive! As in, I cleaned the kitchen and did laundry, etc. It's crazy what being responsible for human life can do to you...even if it is only for a few days! I actually am looking forward to this aspect of parenthood.
+ Life is going to be a blast! I already love Colten and I's relationship so much, and there's seriously never a dull moment. We have our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade our love for anything! Add a little one {or two, or ten....KIDDING!} to the mix, and I know that our 'every day' will only improve!
+ Our children are going to be oh so loved! Not only by us, but by their aunt and uncle and grandparents as well! Hilary came out and joined us at JumpStreet after work and an appointment. We all had a blast! We even introduced Kyra and Maeve to the fabulousness of Olive Garden! Can you believe they didn't even know what it was?! Oh my goodness...they know, now!
So, there you have it! A glimpse into parenthood!

Random Weekend Shenanigans
I am so completely and unbelievably thankful for three-day weekends! It means...
+ only a four day work week
+ more time to get things done around the house
+ more time with my husband
+ extra time to blog, even if you don't take advantage of said extra time
+ time to hang out with family
+ one less day to pay for gas going into work
+ more sleep
+ more time to spend with the doggy - he's been soooo good and it was hard to leave him this morning
+ time to really prepare for the week ahead
+ a break from overtime
So, this past weekend has been fabulous! It was also much needed after two weeks of overtime and two jobs! Woweeee was I tired!
I enjoyed time with Colten, even if all we were doing was watching a tv show or eating supper. I took down our Christmas decorations - finally! Our home is now prepared for the upcoming month of love ;) {more on that to come later}. I went with Colten and my siblings to a nearby 'park', which resulted in lots of laugh and great quality time together. It also resulted in all of us inviting ourselves over to Hil's apartment for supper :). Thanks sis!!
I also may or may not have watched an entire season of Betrayal in only two days. #sorrynotsorry. I've had it sitting on my DVR since it first aired back in October, and I finally decided to see what it was about, and I loved it! Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have watched the entire season. Luckily for me, the season finale aired on Sunday night, so it was pretty much perfect timing! Yesterday also may or may not have included an accidental nap, which was glorious! Is that even a thing? Yes, yes it is.
It was oh so nice to not have to wake up freakishly early to go to work yesterday. I got things done around the house that needed to be done, all while watching Grey's reruns. Just how I roll!
Can you tell the guys were completely engrossed in their games? Ha!
And now, I'll cease telling you about my mundane, but pretty chill weekend. Another weekend that was just my style: nothing super special or crazy, just the glory of the 'every day' and all of the wonder that I find in it. It makes me happy :).

WARNING: I am not a beauty blogger!


cheers not jeers,
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