I am so completely and unbelievably thankful for three-day weekends! It means...
+ only a four day work week
+ more time to get things done around the house
+ more time with my husband
+ extra time to blog, even if you don't take advantage of said extra time
+ time to hang out with family
+ one less day to pay for gas going into work
+ more sleep
+ more time to spend with the doggy - he's been soooo good and it was hard to leave him this morning
+ time to really prepare for the week ahead
+ a break from overtime
So, this past weekend has been fabulous! It was also much needed after two weeks of overtime and two jobs! Woweeee was I tired!
I enjoyed time with Colten, even if all we were doing was watching a tv show or eating supper. I took down our Christmas decorations - finally! Our home is now prepared for the upcoming month of love ;) {more on that to come later}. I went with Colten and my siblings to a nearby 'park', which resulted in lots of laugh and great quality time together. It also resulted in all of us inviting ourselves over to Hil's apartment for supper :). Thanks sis!!
I also may or may not have watched an entire season of Betrayal in only two days. #sorrynotsorry. I've had it sitting on my DVR since it first aired back in October, and I finally decided to see what it was about, and I loved it! Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have watched the entire season. Luckily for me, the season finale aired on Sunday night, so it was pretty much perfect timing! Yesterday also may or may not have included an accidental nap, which was glorious! Is that even a thing? Yes, yes it is.
It was oh so nice to not have to wake up freakishly early to go to work yesterday. I got things done around the house that needed to be done, all while watching Grey's reruns. Just how I roll!
Can you tell the guys were completely engrossed in their games? Ha!
And now, I'll cease telling you about my mundane, but pretty chill weekend. Another weekend that was just my style: nothing super special or crazy, just the glory of the 'every day' and all of the wonder that I find in it. It makes me happy :).

I love long weekends! They are the best! Glad you had a good weekend!
Three day weekends are the absolute best! I'm glad you had a fun (long) weekend!
Yup, those boys look like my husband on his iPhone while he eats, while we're watching a movie, when we're out for lunch, when we're at the grocery store, when he's driving, at the mall, at the liquor store.. You name the place and he will eventually be on that sucker. Looking up stats, checking Twitter, going onto online banking, looking for deals,etc.
Oh yes, your siblings live close..! I always kindly envy you for that!
So friggin jealous of your three day weekend. I want one again soon! Haha. =)
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